a stressed out employee

Burnout: signs, impact, recovery and coping strategies

Deadlines, meetings and endless piles of work can create stress that often leads to hitting a breaking point. Perhaps your responsibilities and duties cause residual stress that builds up over time. In a 2018 study, the UK-based Mental Health Foundation found that “74% of people have felt so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable … Continue reading “Burnout: signs, impact, recovery and coping strategies”

two smiling employees in a meeting

Workplace resilience: Why it’s important and 7 ways to build resilience at work

The fast past nature of the modern workplace, with deadlines, competing priorities, stakeholder needs and constant communication means that workplace stressors are taking their toll on the physical wellbeing and mental health of employees.  We may not be able to avoid some workplace stress, but we can manage how we bounce back from it. That’s … Continue reading “Workplace resilience: Why it’s important and 7 ways to build resilience at work”

a frustrated employee

Grief in the workplace: 5 ways to support a grieving employee

The loss of a loved one is an experience that can trigger a range of feelings. Of these, grief is probably the most natural reaction. Each person is likely to experience grief in a unique way, as the nature of the loss varies: for example, some losses are sudden, while others are anticipated. However, certain … Continue reading “Grief in the workplace: 5 ways to support a grieving employee”

an employee smiling at the camera

5 companies offering behavioral health solutions for employee mental health

What is behavioral healthcare? Behavioral healthcare is all about looking at how our daily actions, habits and behaviors affect our physical health and mental health and the link between them all. It focuses on the individual as a whole person, albeit a complicated one, where there are lots of influences on our well-being. behavioral health … Continue reading “5 companies offering behavioral health solutions for employee mental health”

A guide to address suicide prevention in the workplace

Employers play an important role in supporting the mental health of our population. Given that we spend the majority of our waking hours at work, it’s no suprise that the work we do, the people we work with, and the conditions we work in can have an impact on our mental health and wellbeing. The … Continue reading “A guide to address suicide prevention in the workplace”

A girl usingher phone outside

NHS recommended mental health apps for employers

If you have searched for a NHS approved mental health app for your employee you may have found the information you are looking for isn’t necessarily all in one place. Currently there is not a comprehensive list of NHS approved mental health apps. Instead there are recommended apps for various difficulties in the relevant section … Continue reading “NHS recommended mental health apps for employers”

Best mental health apps for employees

Mental health is a hot topic, and we all want to manage our wellbeing. Many employers are now aware of the importance of supporting their employees with mental health. Which mental health apps can you be sure actually make a difference? Both businesses and employees are looking for the best mental health apps to support … Continue reading “Best mental health apps for employees”

How to support your employees during layoffs

Making people redundant through employee layoffs is an extremely difficult time. In most cases, they are unavoidable, a business decision, but the process can be made a little easier for all the parties involved. Often leaders and HR managers may try their best to avoid the layoff process because each person let go is talent … Continue reading “How to support your employees during layoffs”

employee chronic pain

How to Relieve Employee Chronic Pain (and the Associated Costs)

Post-pandemic life has sparked serious, record-breaking anxiety and depression levels within our workforce and the broader nation. Employees are looking to employers to offer mental health support for themselves and their families to promote sustainable and healthy lifestyles inside and outside of work.  116 million adults in the US—more than the number affected by heart … Continue reading “How to Relieve Employee Chronic Pain (and the Associated Costs)”

work and your mental health during covid

How leaders can protect Employees Mental Health during COVID-19

COVID-19, a pandemic is of an intensity that none of us have ever witnessed in our lifetime. Due to the risk of person-to-person transmission, the governments across the globe announced “lockdowns”, which led most corporates and IT companies to ask their employees to work-from-home.  Initially, work-from-home might sound like an exciting idea and it does … Continue reading “How leaders can protect Employees Mental Health during COVID-19”