How to measure wellbeing at work and why it’s important today

With the Great Resignation being an ongoing economic trend since 2021, it would be wise to pause for a moment and reflect on what could possibly cause such a mass exodus of the workforce at a global scale. While there are numerous reasons cited for this attrition with the pandemic being a root cause, prioritizing … Continue reading “How to measure wellbeing at work and why it’s important today”

8 simple ways to cultivate a happy workplace to boost employee morale

Why is it important to invest in creating a happy working environment? We spend a large proportion, even the majority, of our waking lives at work. So workplace happiness is essential for overall life satisfaction. When we feel stressed, overloaded, close to burning out or anxious about work it spills over into all areas of … Continue reading “8 simple ways to cultivate a happy workplace to boost employee morale”

two smiling employees in a meeting

Workplace resilience: Why it’s important and 7 ways to build resilience at work

The fast past nature of the modern workplace, with deadlines, competing priorities, stakeholder needs and constant communication means that workplace stressors are taking their toll on the physical wellbeing and mental health of employees.  We may not be able to avoid some workplace stress, but we can manage how we bounce back from it. That’s … Continue reading “Workplace resilience: Why it’s important and 7 ways to build resilience at work”

How to improve company culture: 11 effective practices to implement today

Company culture is the set of values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and social norms that shape the way employees interact and work together within an organization. A strong company culture, aligned to the company’s mission, can have a significant impact on the overall success and performance of a business. It can improve employee engagement, increase productivity, … Continue reading “How to improve company culture: 11 effective practices to implement today”

A guide to address suicide prevention in the workplace

Employers play an important role in supporting the mental health of our population. Given that we spend the majority of our waking hours at work, it’s no suprise that the work we do, the people we work with, and the conditions we work in can have an impact on our mental health and wellbeing. The … Continue reading “A guide to address suicide prevention in the workplace”