Woman eating noodles for lunch at work. Supporting employees with eating disorders.

How to support employees with an eating disorder

Eating disorders are becoming an increasingly prevalent condition, with a report for the Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders and the Academy for Eating Disorders reporting that 8%* of US adults reported to have one in their lifetime (although the true picture is likely much higher) and BEAT, the national eating disorder … Continue reading “How to support employees with an eating disorder”

5 tips for managing workplace burnout

When people are burned out at work, low energy, indifference, lack of excitement about tasks, workplace pessimism, and cynicism about the future take over. The World Health Organization also warns that when people are burned out, they start to feel unaccomplished. According to the American Psychological Association, they suffer—and so do the innovative ideas and … Continue reading “5 tips for managing workplace burnout”

How to measure wellbeing at work and why it’s important today

With the Great Resignation being an ongoing economic trend since 2021, it would be wise to pause for a moment and reflect on what could possibly cause such a mass exodus of the workforce at a global scale. While there are numerous reasons cited for this attrition with the pandemic being a root cause, prioritizing … Continue reading “How to measure wellbeing at work and why it’s important today”

a tired employee at his work desk

Presenteeism in the workplace: the cost to employers

Absenteeism and presenteeism are significant issues for companies in today’s society, and have an impact on employers. But the blame for time off shouldn’t fall solely on employees. It’s something that employers also need to address. Here we explore what absenteeism and presenteeism are, their indirect costs to employers, and how to address the rising … Continue reading “Presenteeism in the workplace: the cost to employers”

an empty work desk

Employee absenteeism: The cost to employers and 4 ways to tackle the problem

What is employee absenteeism? Employee absenteeism refers to the phenomenon where employees are absent from work on a regular basis or without prior notification. This could be due to a variety of reasons from illness, and personal or family issues, to a disinterest in work. This type of behaviour can have a detrimental impact on … Continue reading “Employee absenteeism: The cost to employers and 4 ways to tackle the problem”

a stressed out employee

Burnout: signs, impact, recovery and coping strategies

Deadlines, meetings and endless piles of work can create stress that often leads to hitting a breaking point. Perhaps your responsibilities and duties cause residual stress that builds up over time. In a 2018 study, the UK-based Mental Health Foundation found that “74% of people have felt so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable … Continue reading “Burnout: signs, impact, recovery and coping strategies”

team meeting ongoing

The importance of mental health diversity in the workplace

What is diversity and why is it so important today? Diversity refers to the various differences and similarities among individuals, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, physical ability, mental health, abilities, and more. Embracing diversity helps to create a more equitable and inclusive society, where everyone has an equal opportunity to … Continue reading “The importance of mental health diversity in the workplace”

a frustrated employee

Grief in the workplace: 5 ways to support a grieving employee

The loss of a loved one is an experience that can trigger a range of feelings. Of these, grief is probably the most natural reaction. Each person is likely to experience grief in a unique way, as the nature of the loss varies: for example, some losses are sudden, while others are anticipated. However, certain … Continue reading “Grief in the workplace: 5 ways to support a grieving employee”

How to improve company culture: 11 effective practices to implement today

Company culture is the set of values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and social norms that shape the way employees interact and work together within an organization. A strong company culture, aligned to the company’s mission, can have a significant impact on the overall success and performance of a business. It can improve employee engagement, increase productivity, … Continue reading “How to improve company culture: 11 effective practices to implement today”

A guide to address suicide prevention in the workplace

Employers play an important role in supporting the mental health of our population. Given that we spend the majority of our waking hours at work, it’s no suprise that the work we do, the people we work with, and the conditions we work in can have an impact on our mental health and wellbeing. The … Continue reading “A guide to address suicide prevention in the workplace”