NHS tackles mental health crisis with Wysa’s AI

Wysa improves mental health symptoms while patients wait Wysa, the global leader in AI-driven mental health support announces the success of AI in the NHS Talking Therapy pathway. Implementation across 31 NHS Talking Therapy services has resulted in faster self-referrals, with patients managing to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety using Wysa’s AI-guided support, while … Continue reading “NHS tackles mental health crisis with Wysa’s AI”

Wysa user story middle-aged man holding phone.

Navigating mental health with Wysa: Robin’s talking therapy journey

Robin’s Story: 45-year-old graphic designer, Robin, from Bournemouth, UK, started using the Wysa app as part of his ongoing mental health journey. Having recently completed an NHS Talking Therapy session, he continues to find Wysa a helpful companion for managing his well-being. “I just wanted some tips on improving my mental health and help with … Continue reading “Navigating mental health with Wysa: Robin’s talking therapy journey”

A girl usingher phone outside

NHS recommended mental health apps for employers

If you have searched for a NHS approved mental health app for your employee you may have found the information you are looking for isn’t necessarily all in one place. Currently there is not a comprehensive list of NHS approved mental health apps. Instead there are recommended apps for various difficulties in the relevant section … Continue reading “NHS recommended mental health apps for employers”