Happiness statistics. Global happiness. Why are some Countries and Nations happier than others?

Why some countries are happier than others?

Why are people from some countries happier than others? Trying to answer such a wooly question with numbers might seem like a strange exercise to engage in, and yet social science research shows there is plenty we can learn about peoples’ subjective experiences from quantitative analysis. One notable attempt at explaining what makes humans happy … Continue reading “Why some countries are happier than others?”

Everything you need to know about Seasonal Affective Disorder

By Smriti Joshi, Lead Psychologist, Wysa Every year with the onset of fall and winter, many people find themselves experiencing symptoms similar to depression. They may feel sad, lonely, hopeless and fatigued. This isn’t just a case of winter blues. Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a type of recurrent depression which occurs during the … Continue reading “Everything you need to know about Seasonal Affective Disorder”

Understanding and Managing Selective Mutism

Have you ever found yourself getting nervous and freezing in the moment during a group activity because it feels like your brain has gone blank and won’t let you communicate? If you said yes, you’re not alone. There are times when we all experience such a situation, and it takes a couple of minutes before … Continue reading “Understanding and Managing Selective Mutism”

What you need to know about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, its symptoms and treatment

📝 All articles on Wysa are reviewed by mental healthcare professionals before publication, who check that the content is thorough and accurate, and references the latest evidence-based research. Learn more. When was the last time you heard someone say, “He/she/they are so OCD with cleaning/putting things in order”? The label OCD is often misused in our everyday … Continue reading “What you need to know about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, its symptoms and treatment”

Understanding Adult ADHD

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, more commonly referred to as ADHD, has been gaining much-deserved attention in recent years. It is one of the most common neurodevelopmental conditions – it is reported amongst 9.8% children between age 3 and age 17. While ADHD is typically associated with children, it is important to remember that individuals carry this … Continue reading “Understanding Adult ADHD”

Building Hope through Action – World Suicide Prevention Day 2022

📝 All articles on Wysa are reviewed by mental healthcare professionals before publication, who check that the content is thorough and accurate, and references the latest evidence-based research. Learn more. According to the World Health Organisation, an estimated 703,000 people a year die by suicide across the globe. Suicide today is seen as a public health challenge because … Continue reading “Building Hope through Action – World Suicide Prevention Day 2022”


Types of body shaming and 5 tips on how to overcome it

Social perception of a perfect body has been evolving over centuries and yet still these ideas exist, the act of humiliation or shaming of any body that deviates from these definitions also persists. Body shaming is the act of making negative unsolicited comments about a person’s physical appearance, often implying how certain bodies are better … Continue reading “Types of body shaming and 5 tips on how to overcome it”