Woman with afro lying on sofa wearing light blue jeans and yellow t-shirt holding a mug in both hands smiling, relaxing.

5 ways to release built up tension in the body caused by stress

We keep hearing the word “stress” but what is stress and what really causes us stress? In this article we dive into the effects that a build up of stress can have on the body and ways to release it.  What is stress? Stress is a response to everyday pressure, a constant state of worry … Continue reading “5 ways to release built up tension in the body caused by stress”

Ten strategies to help you Relieve Stress

10 long-term strategies to help you live a stress free life

Stress is something that everyone experiences at some point in their life. Stress can be caused by any event or situation that poses a physical, mental, or emotional challenge. However, not all stress is bad; good stress, or eustress, can pressurize you to perform better in an exam or a meeting, alarm the senses during an accident … Continue reading “10 long-term strategies to help you live a stress free life”