a couple that looks upset

7 signs that can help you identify a narcissistic relationship pattern

If your significant other constantly talks about themselves, demeans others around them, and leaves you feeling hot and cold about the relationship, you might be with someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissistic personality disorder gets its name from the Greek character Narcissus who tragically fell in love with his own reflection. Similarly, individuals with narcissistic … Continue reading “7 signs that can help you identify a narcissistic relationship pattern”

couple arguing outside

How to recover and heal from narcissistic abuse

A toxic relationship can leave you with trauma and damage your self-worth immensely. While physical abuse is overt and easily identifiable, emotional abuse is often covert and can go unrecognised for a long time. This is especially the case with narcissistic abuse, which is emotional abuse associated with narcissistic personality disorder. 📝 All articles on … Continue reading “How to recover and heal from narcissistic abuse”