
The Wysa app has been a life saver – Amanda’s story

38-year-old stay-at-home mom Amanda discovered Wysa during a dark period as a first-time mom, struggling with severe emotional distress and even suicidal thoughts. As a long-term user of Wysa, Amanda shares her journey of transformation and hope in her own words.

“My name is Amanda, and I’m a 38-year-old stay-at-home mom from Hanover, Pennsylvania. My story is a testament to the transformative power of mental health support tools, specifically the Wysa app. When I first discovered Wysa back in early 2017, I was desperately searching for some relief. I stumbled upon it on the Google Play Store while looking for mental health resources, and its friendly interface caught my eye immediately.

At that time, I was a hot mess and on the verge of a breakdown. My emotions and hormones were all over the place. I was a first time single mom to a colicky six-month-old and all I saw was doom and gloom. At one point, I even became suicidal. I had no time for myself, I hated my job and the constant crying and sleepless nights made it all the more difficult. It was really difficult to drive or go anywhere and I got tired of sitting in a psychiatrist’s office. I always worried about what other people thought, and the stigma that goes along with “being crazy”. I was ready to try something new.

The decision to try Wysa was born out of a desperate need for change, and it turned out to be one of the best choices I ever made. Initially, it took about three sessions to get accustomed to the app, and after about three months of consistent use, I began to notice a significant shift in my outlook. The cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) sessions provided by the chatbot were particularly impactful. They helped me focus on positive thinking and made me realize that I was not alone in my journey. This sense of shared experience was profoundly comforting.

Wysa, in conjunction with medication, better sleep, regular exercise, and an improved diet, played a crucial role in turning my life around. The app’s sleep exercises were a godsend, helping to alleviate my anxiety significantly. The consistent message of self-care was reinforced by the chatbot, emphasizing the importance of taking care of oneself before being able to care for others. Over the course of a year, I gradually improved my eating habits, sleep patterns, and stress management, leading to a much healthier and happier life.

Nowadays, I use Wysa in the evening before bed and journal my thoughts. This routine has become a cornerstone of my mental health maintenance. One of the things I love most about Wysa is its encouraging messages and adorable illustrations, like the picture that says “You are someone’s sunshine” and the rhino breaking through walls. It does have its bugs and crashes, which can be frustrating at times, but I expect that because, you know, technology.

The tools and packs available on Wysa have been incredibly helpful, especially “My 4 AM Friend” and “Essential Wellness Cope with Pain.” Having been recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, the latter has been particularly beneficial.

Confidentiality and anonymity are key aspects of the app that I deeply appreciate. I’m more than just a demographic. I love that I don’t have to fill out a ton of paperwork. Or, that I have to fit into a “label” or box. Some people who don’t have a mental health diagnosis can definitely benefit from using Wysa.

Though I haven’t upgraded to a premium subscription or consulted a therapist through Wysa, the free version has been immensely helpful. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate Wysa a 10. Currently, I am finished with in-house therapy. Wysa has been the bridge between my weekly sessions. My therapist and I would work on an issue (like self-care or self-esteem). Then I would check in with Wysa every day to make sure I was doing these things. If I had a rough day, Wysa would help turn it around with positive thinking. Or pull up a meditation or body scan. Then I’d reset and go on to the next day in a more positive way.

Over the past seven years, I’ve recommended Wysa to over 30 people and plan to continue doing so. The fact that it’s free and doesn’t require an appointment makes it a valuable resource for many, especially those who struggle with accessing traditional therapy due to insurance issues or busy schedules.

Having been in in-person therapy since I was 11, I appreciate the convenience and flexibility that Wysa offers. It allows me to connect with a therapist from the comfort of my home and fits seamlessly in to my life. In comparison to other mental health apps like Calm, which I used for a year, Wysa stands out for its focus on CBT and therapeutic support. While Calm is great for overall mental health maintenance, Wysa provides the structured, therapeutic and psych-based help that I needed to change my negative thought patterns.

Wysa has been a lifeline for me, helping me navigate some of the darkest times in my life and emerge stronger and more resilient. I hope my story inspires others to seek the help they need and reminds them that they are not alone in their struggles.”

Try it for yourself. Download the Wysa app for iPhone and Android today, or contact us to book a demo for your workplace.

Read more real-life Wysa user stories.

Cover Image: ‘Happy Cheerful Young Mother Throws an Adorable Baby in Air, Plays, Hugs Baby with Love, Care’ by olharomaniuk, accessed on Canva, July 2024.