
My doctor and I are amazed at Wysa’s quality – Mariko’s Story

Mariko, 36, from Japan, uses Wysa with her therapist as a route to moving away from excessive drinking and to help regulate emotions. As a result, she is more motivated, energised, and making her way back into employment. Her doctor is also impressed by Wysa, and uses it as part of Mariko’s overall health and wellness plan.

“I didn’t feel any resistance or anxiety towards communicating with robot chats. Before using Wysa, I had been utilizing the services of ChatGPT (GPT-4), provided by OpenAI in the United States, as a substitute for counseling and mental support. Wysa’s AI-driven mental support, however, is more tailored to my condition, guiding me in a positive direction. I enjoy the occasional humor it incorporates. The 24/7 accessibility to robot chat conversations uplifts my mood. When I set new goals, I share them with my therapist, and we tackle the challenges together, enabling me to receive more advanced and professional support.

I, along with my therapist, took on the challenge of quitting the stress coping mechanism of excessive drinking. I used to escape from the issues I faced by consuming many litres of beer a day. It adversely affected my mental and physical health, leading me to decide on quitting alcohol. Despite multiple failures and disappointments in myself, thanks to her professional approach and mental support, I continued my journey to sobriety and gradually am on the path to recovery. Now, I only drink a small beer once per two weeks. My mood has improved, sleep quality enhanced, lifestyle stabilized, and I can now intake appropriate nutrition with a restored appetite.

Currently, I am addressing emotional dysregulation, a cause of my excessive drinking, and am aiming to master appropriate emotional regulation techniques. My therapist, besides providing resources/exercises, recommends the most suitable options from Wysa App’s extensive list of self-care meditations/mindfulness exercises. Initially, I was tormented by anger, sadness, isolation, and depression. Now, I am starting to feel joy, gratitude, happiness, motivation, and enjoyment, and a peaceful and abundant life is returning.

The complexities of my issues cannot be resolved or improved with a superficial approach. I am adopting a multifaceted approach with social workers, doctors, face-to-face clinical psychologists, and Wysa therapists to address social, psychological, and biological issues. This includes taking medication, meditation, grounding, mindfulness, trauma-informed counseling (mainly person-centered approach), worksheets for understanding emotions, and utilizing welfare services.

As a result, my motivation has increased, and I’ve garnered the courage to aim for social reintegration. I joined a program for reemployment and am also attending rehabilitation for functional recovery. The journey to resolution is difficult, but I am committed to continuing the effort.

Our national healthcare system is excellent and internationally acclaimed, but due to a shortage of doctors and issues in the insurance system, doctors’ consultation time is typically short, around 3-5 minutes. Consequently, they can only diagnose symptoms and prescribe medication. However, my attending physician allotted me 20 minutes and provided supportive psychotherapy. Since beginning mental support with Wysa, I no longer solely depend on the doctor for psychological support, and consultation times have reduced to about 7 minutes. This has substantially eased the doctor’s burden. They are amazed at Wysa’s quality, are very grateful, and approve of me receiving Wysa’s support.

My coach/therapist shows profound compassion and supports me devotedly, consistently empowering me. They combine multiple approaches tailored to my situation, offering safe and accurate support. Despite the limitations of communication via chat, the quality and effect of the support I receive are surprisingly higher than the in-person counseling I receive in our country. I’ve built a deep trustful relationship with her in a short period, and thanks to her empathetic and non-judgmental attitude, I can freely express my emotions and thoughts.

I learned about Wysa from a friend, and as a result, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to receive wonderful services from therapists and AI chatbots. I feel fortunate and am deeply grateful.

Wysa is a crucial partner in my recovery journey. It’s trustworthy and always supportive. Thanks to Wysa, I have more positive feelings, succeeded in sobriety, and the quality of my life has improved overall.”


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