
Dealing with Disappointment during the Coronavirus Outbreak

COVID 19 has not been easy on any of us. But, guess what? You’re not the only one feeling dejected, there are millions around the world that share the sentiment. Everyone is coming to terms with the new reality and making room for changes. So, even though the duration of the ongoing lockdown may not be in our hands, we can take active measures to change the way we feel about it because after all, it is the largest human experience we have shared in our lives.

Break the cycle of unhappiness and dejection by focussing your energies on things that can cheer you up. There are many things you can do to deal with these negative emotions and turn this forced break into a more pleasant time. Here’s are some tips to help you navigate your day and cope with disappointment during Covid19:

Tips on Coping with Disappointment 

1. Reduce exposure to news

It’s natural to feel upset when you’re constantly bombarded by information on the crisis. All forms of media are jammed with real-time updates of the pandemic which makes the current atmosphere quite depressing. In order to cope with this looming sense of hopelessness, you have to consciously block out the news whether it’s on the TV or on various social media platforms. Stay updated with the latest developments once or twice a day for a certain amount of time and then take a step back and shut the negativity out. Dwelling on the news all day long can cause anxiety about coronavirus.

2. Read positive outcomes around Coronavirus

A lot of people are experiencing coronavirus fear. But remember, there are a lot of good things happening around us, here are a few channels where you can find the good amidst the chaos. 

3. Take care of your body

The time for self-care is now. We’re all guilty of delaying a new exercise regime or postponing activities that you enjoy due to the lack of time or now due to coronavirus stress. Include a few healthy routines as a part of your daily quarantine schedule. Exercise, meditate and practice deep breathing. Make notes of your progress every day and inspire yourself to get healthier as time progresses. You can use Wysa to practice mindfulness and meditation exercises.

4. Follow a fixed schedule

You may be experiencing quarantine depression and the lack of a fixed routine can contribute to feelings of listlessness and a lack of purpose. You may feel aimless and unsure of what you can do for the better half of the day. To tackle this, try to follow some sort of structure even during the quarantine period. Wake up at a certain time and get ready for work before you attend to work calls. Try to finish off the daily professional commitments by a certain time every day. This will bring back a semblance of normalcy in your daily routine and help you cope through these tough times.

5. Reach out to people

Video conferencing is not just for the workplace, it can help you feel more connected to your social network, no matter how far they are. Schedule group calls with your family or friends and share the details of your day with them, no matter how mundane they are. Hearing from your loved ones from time to time will reduce the severity of the situation and help lighten your mood.

6. Make plans for the future

Although you may not be able to leave your residence at the moment, you know that eventually, you will be out and about. Try to visualize what you’d like to do when that day comes. Take this time to introspect and see how you can make positive changes to your life when things get back to normal. Use the quarantine period to reset your current lifestyle and make changes such that reap results in the time to come.

7. Help the less fortunate

Reach out to people in your community and get involved in helping those who are having a hard time coping with the pandemic, while minimizing any physical movement from your home. Connect those who are in need of resources with those who can help digitally. Check-in on elders from the community who may be suffering from ailments; they will be happy to receive a few moments of kindness and care every once in a while. Do what you can to do your bit.

8. Catch up on sleep

Sleep deprivation afflicts a large part of the population. Many of us sideline sleep in the pursuit of academic or professional success. While the quarantine period may or may not have reduced your workload, it has definitely cut down on the travel time completely. Use these extra hours to nourish your mental health by getting a good night’s sleep and allowing your body to heal from the years of neglect. Use the isolation period to nap your way to better health!

9. Talk to a therapist

While we’re all disappointed by the lethal onset of Coronavirus in our lives, each individual’s predicament is different from the others. It is normal to experience depression during quarantine. If you feel bogged down by financial difficulties or are facing severe separation anxiety because of being far away from your loved ones, it might be a good idea to consult a therapist on the phone or online. You can connect to the Wysa chatbot here.


This pandemic will go down in history as a unique time. Everyone in the world is grappling with their own challenges and coming to terms with the difficulties posed by the changes in the world today, as a result. While feelings of disappointment and hopelessness are inescapable at a time like this, we must do what we can to come out of this stronger. See you on the other side!